Specialized Programs
Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a preschool program especially designed for students ages 3-5 that are developmentally delayed, to help develop the necessary skills to succeed in kindergarten. There are two ECE programs in Iroquois County and they are administered by the serving district. Each location has a morning and afternoon program.
Life Skills
ISEA operates a life skills classroom at Cissna Park.
Specialized Programs:
Registration - All students must be registered in their home school district before they can start school. This process varies by district. Please go to the school building in your home district and they will direct you on what forms are needed to register. Once the serving school receives all the needed materials, transportation will begin.
Transportation - Once all registration materials are on file, ISEA will begin transporting the student to and from school. The student's driver will contact the parent with the date transportation will begin and the time the student will be picked up and dropped off. These times are approximate.
Curriculum - The curriculum for all ECE programs aligns with the Illinois Early Learning Standards. The curriculum for the Life Skills class aligns with State & Core Standards
Absences - If a student will be absent from school, please call the ISEA office at 815-683-2662. The ISEA office will call the student's driver and cancel transportation for the day. Please also call the attending school to let them know the student will not be in attendance.
Field Trips - Each class may go on field trips throughout the year. Whenever a trip is planned, the teacher will inform the parent of the date, time, and nature of the trip.
Progress Reports - These reports will be sent home quarterly with the student's progress on their IEP goals.
Extended School Year (ESY) - ESY is provided at Bryce Educational Center. Transportation will be provided. To qualify for ESY, the student must show regression over long school breaks and it must be recommended by the IEP team.
Related Services - ISEA provides related services for all students that qualify, by certified staff. Therapy sessions will be scheduled within the given class time and may be done individually or in groups.