Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy means the therapeutic use of purposeful and meaningful occupations or goal-directed activities to evaluate and provide interventions for individuals and populations who have a disease or disorder, an impairment, and activity limitation, or a participation restriction that interferes with their ability to function independently in their daily life roles and to promote health and wellness.
ISEA employs one Licensed Occupational Therapist (OTR/L) and two certified occupational therapy assistants (COTA). The occupational therapist (OT) assesses needs, establishes goals, and develops treatment programs. An OT uses task-oriented activities to prevent, minimize, or correct disabling emotional, behavioral, or physical handicaps. The goals are then implemented by the COTA's. Services may be delivered on a direct (pull-out) basis or on a collaborative/consultative basis to the educational team serving the child, depending on the student's identified needs.
To obtain and OT evaluation, please contact your child's teacher or building principal to start the referral process. After a student qualifies for OT services, a prescription form must be filled out by the student's doctor and returned to ISEA before services can begin.
OT & PT Guide to Delivery Service Models
Recommended Practices for OT & PT Services in Illinois Schools