Bryce Ash-Grove Educational Center
1101 N. 1800 E. Rd.
Milford, IL 60953
Phone: 815-889-4120
Fax: 815-889-5206
Bryce-Ash Grove Educational Center is a public school building serving students with disabilities in grades 4-12. The school is operated by the Iroquois Special Education Association and draws its students from the six districts served by the association. Curriculum at the school is closely linked to the curriculum of the home schools of the students. Students are routinely re-integrated to their home schools after successful completion of the highly structured management system of the school. Students who complete their home high school course requirements at the school are eligible to receive a regular high school diploma from their home schools. The focus and goal of the Bryce-Ash Grove Educational Center is to provide a safe, meaningful school experience where students can concentrate on self-management skills that are necessary for them to be successful in the general education setting.
Click here to see our wellness policy. Click here to see the Suicide Prevention Policies at BAGEC.
Click here to see our lead testing data and here for a copy of the letter sent to parents and staff with the results of the lead testing.
Click here to see our Absenteeism & Truancy Policy.
Click here to see our Parent-Student Handbook.
Bryce Staff
Connie Bielanski - Paraprofessional
Carrie Brown - Cook/Paraprofessional